Let's just get right to it:
1 - What is the working title of your book?
A Horse Named Penelope
2 - Where did the idea come from for the book?
I was brainstorming for 2012's NaNoWriMo at a writer's conference just before Nano and there was this idea forming in the back of my mind. I had intended on going into Nano writing a Middle Grade book about a boy who lost something at school and accidentally came across a little red door that leads him to other historical era's. But to me the title of the book (The Little Red Door) sounded more like a Young Adult contemporary novel and I felt it needed to have something to do with drug abuse of some kind. I know - weird, but I gave it some thought and it developed into the story that it is now. And I have to say -- I LOVE it.
3 - What genre does your book fall under?
Young Adult Contemporary
4 - Which actors would you choose to to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I haven't thought much about this yet, which is odd because when I write, a lot of times I end up writing what something looks like in my head. Like the way a scene comes across on a movie screen - I see it in my head and then I write it. Suffice it to say, my characters are pretty faceless in my head.
But - if I had to pick the perfect Natalie, someone who is pretty without trying too hard, short, and complex, she could definitely be played by: Emmy Rossum

As for Gabe, he's a little harder to pinpoint. I'm in a weird actor/fan place as I don't necessarily think the younglings out there can fit the bill. In my perfect world, my Gabe would be: Matt Bomer.

5 - What is a one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Is it bad that I haven't written one yet? Oh well, here is the "book jacket" description of Penelope:
Natalie Miller has felt invisible to everyone around her ever since she can remember, even her own parents don't seem to notice her. In a desperate cry for love and attention, she does the one thing she thinks will end her misery: commit suicide. But she can't even get that right.
With the advice and recommendations of the hospital doctors, Natalie is sent to an Equine Rehab Camp to recover from her "accident" as her parents call it. Camp life is dreadful and group is even worse - but Natalie doesn't mind the horses. With the help of a horse named Penelope and a boy named Gabe, Natalie learns to love herself and to treasure the life that is hers.
6 - Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I plan on submitting my writings to agents - no matter what novel it is. I feel that agents are there to help you get the best deal that work for you and, honestly, the self-pub route just confuses me.
7 - How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Well, seeing as how this novel is not yet finished, I'd say so far, 4 months. I did some very BASIC planning at the end of October, wrote like mad in November (then got sick because of being pregnant), took December off and am now getting back into writing. I think I'll have the first draft finished by the end of February - which would make the start to finish writing this book about 4 months.
8 - What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Okay, another odd answer. Truth time. I'm not much of a contemporary novel reader. I've read a few Jodi Piccult novels which were okay for me, but not exciting. I prefer to read Young Adult fantasy or dystopian or light sci-fi - and you don't find many books out there in those genres dealing with suicide.
9 - Who or what inspired you to write this book?
It's hard to say really what inspired me to write Penelope. It's funny really, because when I'm working on a book there's this nagging feeling I get that tells me the story needs to be told. I feel like my characters have something to say and something to learn and by writing it down I feel like I've accomplished something.
10 - What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
I think the main thing about this book is that it's not depressing. Suicide in itself is so heavy, but this book remains positive and my character Natalie grows so much as a person throughout the story. She finds confidence, friendship, love and the relationships with her parents and peers becomes something she loves.
And there's a horse - who doesn't love a horse?!?
Cheri Miklich
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