Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Writing Goals

So now that it's 2013, it's time to amp up in the writing department.  Since Nano in November, I haven't written.  At.  All.  YIKES!  What's an aspiring writer to do?


It's that easy.

So, today I'm writing down my 2013 writing goals and plan to check in with you monthly and let you know how I'm doing.  Here they are - in no particular order:

  • Write a minimum of 800 words per day (5 days a week) until I finish Penelope
  • Edit Penelope
  • Rewrite The Phoenix
  • Blog at least once per week (not including My Reading List posts)
  • Take a month off when baby is born (late June)
  • Write Query letter for Penelope
  • Query Agents for Penelope

Umm...I may be biting off more than I can chew, but if I don't set goals, well, things just don't get accomplished!  What are your 2013 writing goals?  How are you going to keep yourself motivated and in check?

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