Saturday, September 12, 2015

Word Vomit

So you know when you've written a novel and then after you've edited once or twice and sent it out for other people to read it and then you get it back with some awesome feedback and you're like, YAY now I can query but then you query and you feel bleh about it so you decide to look at the novel again and realize it would be better told from two people's points of view so you decide to rewrite then ENTIRE novel and you're like "this is going to be awesome and better than before" and you get several chapters in and it's like YESSS but then you stop for a while because, you know, another project gets put into the forefront and then you finish that one and then come back to the rewrite and you're like, "WHY did I stop rewriting this, because it's AWESOME" so you dive back and only to find that, WAIT, these chapters don't quite add up, so you dig in some more and it's like you're rewriting your entire rewrite AGAIN?  Okay, good, it's not just ME.

Phew - had to get that off my chest.


PS - run on sentence intended

PPS - it emphasizes how I feel

PPPS - no. i don't write like that...normally

PPPPS - wouldn't it have been cool if all my CAPS and BOLDED words would have added up to be a real sentence?  Next time I will try that :)

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