Wednesday, February 4, 2015 it's Februrary

It seems history repeats itself in the world of my writing.  I gear up for Nano (which this year, well Nov. 2014, I won!!!) and then take a couple months off of writing seriously.  I have a couple stories in the works and am having fun writing here and there on them.

One story is a YA novel about Faeries and I'm excited to see where it goes.  The other is a NA (New Adult) novel about two people coming together in a unique circumstance and ultimately falling in love.  Not my typical genre and a little out of my comfort zone, but it's a challenge I'm looking forward too.

So as far as writing goes, my goal is two write between 5,000-10,000 words per month on either or both stories.  It doesn't seem like much compared to writing 50k+ in November, but let me tell you, that takes a toll on the family.  My poor husband said at one point, "I didn't know I wasn't going to have a wife for an entire month."  I felt bad, of course, but continued writing until I met the 50K!!

I will do my best to keep updating here about my novels and writing process, and who knows, this could be the year I find myself represented by a Literary Agent - wouldn't that be amazing?!?!

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