Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo: Day 1

As day 1 of Nano comes to a close I feel like I've had a really good start.  Your daily goal should be writing basically 1700 words, and I'm closing word tonight with 2200 words!  I have to say that with this Nano novel, I did do more planning than I've done on my other novels.

I've created character profiles (it's the best way to keep track of your characters making sure you keep them consistent), I've created a chapter breakdown - even though it's really rough, I feel it gives me a good way to keep track of where the story should go.

As I write my main character Natalie (Nat), I realize how complex her character is.  She's depressed, as someone who is alone as much as she is probably would be.  She has a humorous side to her that comes out in the story.  She lacks confidence in herself, though she has no reason to.  I hope to portray her in the best light, even though she's dealing with complex issues, and ultimately tries to end her life.  I'm excited to write her character and show how she overcomes these issues.  I hope you will enjoy her journey as much as I am.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're well on your way. Just don't forget to take a break every now and then!

    I am not doing NaNo because I'm editing (or, rather, re-editing) this month, and with 40 hr/wk spent at work, I have serious doubts about whether I could write a whole book in a month anyway, although perhaps if I were truly dedicated . . .

    But good luck to you!
