It's that time again! This week's winner was Linda M. and she sent in a recipe for Sloppy Joe casserole. I'm not sure why I never thought of trying something like this, but I can't wait to make it and see if my kids eat it. I will include pictures and the recipe in next week's newsletter.

Want another shot at winning an eBook copy of Raining Down Rules? Here's what I want to do:
- I want your most kid-friendly, yummy meal idea and recipe. Gimme Gimme.
- Email it to
- I will choose ONE meal/recipe to try and will post the recipe and pics of either the food or of my family eating it.
- Winning meal/recipe will receive an eBook copy of Raining Down Rules!
The reviews keep coming in for Raining Down Rules and I'm loving them! If you've already read Jemma, Jordan and Vic's story and haven't posted your review on Amazon and Goodreads, I'd love for you to do so. If you're not the reviewing type, I'd still love to know your thoughts. Send me a quick email telling me what you liked, what you didn't like and what you hope to see in Raining Down Redemption.
Speaking of Raining Down Redemption, I am getting so close to finishing it. I have 4 chapters left to write and then it will be on its way to the publisher. I have been putting my heart and soul into this book because there is so much going on under the surface for the two main characters (no spoilers here) and they both need to overcome a lot. This book is sooo good and I can't wait until it is in your hands!
Lastly, my young adult novel, The Phoenix, is currently out on submissions, which means you could possibly be reading it this year and you have NO IDEA how excited this makes me! The setting of this story takes place in northern Idaho, an area that means a great deal to me. And don't get me started on the fact that there are human Phoenixes. Yes! They burst into flames and regenerate and stay young for a very long time. How cool is that?
That's it for now, I hope your weekend is amazing and send me those recipes!
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