Friday, January 22, 2016

Query Quarterly is LIVE in 15 mins

#QueryQtrly will be accepting fiction query submissions in 15 minutes!  Here's a reminder of of how your email should be formatted:

Mail to: queryquarterly @ gmail . com (just remove the spaces)
(in the subject line type: Query Quarterly)
Name: Wendy Writes-A-Lot
Title: Querying Isn't For Babies
Genre: New Adult Contemporary

Begin your query here. Do not send your query as an attachment, include it in the body of the email. Do not double space between lines, keep them just like this: single spaced.

When beginning a new paragraph, please use an additional space. When concluding your query, do include the word count and genre, but it is not necessary to include the personal information for a specific agent you will be querying for this workshop (however, you can if you like, but please leave off names and agencies).
Sound good? Great! Now, get your email and be ready to have some fun!

*** D I S C L A I M E R *** 

I am not a literary agent or a publisher. And by entering this workshop I DO NOT guarantee you a publishing contract or a contract with an agent. The comments and suggestions made are my own opinion and based on my own experiences and the research I've done, will be as relevant to the publishing industry as one author can be. Please be sure to save each of your queries so you may have your originals to revert to if you ever need them. And finally, this is a FREE service offered and with that, the hope is you will jump into the workshop and use the advice given to whatever degree you like. Just remember, there is no guarantee this workshop will get your story published. The goal here is to have your query in tip top shape so you are ready to being submitting your writing to agents and publishers.

Oh! One last thing—If at any time you would like to drop out of the workshop, send a quick email letting me know...don't just leave me hanging.

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