Thursday, September 24, 2015


Can I just begin by saying what an amazing journey writing has been.  Seriously, I have learned so much over the past 4 years and even more in the last year then I ever thought I could learn about writing.  I've met some wonderful people in the writing community, taken part in awesome contests and Pitch Parties - and it has all been...simply amazing.

Which leads me to my SQUEE!!! post.

I have just signed a contract with Limitless Publishing to publish Chasing Forever and it's sequels if I should write any.

Ummm - so I've done quite a lot of girly squealing over the past two weeks, as it all happened rather quickly.  I participated in Brenda Drake's #PitMad (if you're a writer, you should check it out) on September 10th.  I received a couple requests for Chasing Forever that day and within 4 days, Limitless requested my full manuscript.  I was at an interior design client's house when the email came in and I may have squealed a bit.  Then, a short (though it did not feel like a short) 6 days later, I received an offer to publish.


I'm thrilled to be working with Limitless and can't wait to tell you all about the process and then be able to share with you Chasing Forever (which, like many books, the title will more than likely change).

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